Articles | Volume 14, issue 7
Model evaluation paper
29 Jul 2021
Model evaluation paper |  | 29 Jul 2021

DecTree v1.0 – chemistry speedup in reactive transport simulations: purely data-driven and physics-based surrogates

Marco De Lucia and Michael Kühn

Model code and software

DecTree v1.0 - Chemistry speedup in reactive transport simulations: purely data-driven and physics-based surrogates Marco De Lucia

RedModRphree: geochemical and reactive transport modelling in R using PHREEQC (Version 0.0.4) Marco De Lucia

Short summary
DecTree evaluates a hierarchical coupling method for reactive transport simulations in which pre-trained surrogate models are used to speed up the geochemical subprocess, and equation-based full-physics simulations are called only if the surrogate predictions are implausible. Furthermore, we devise and evaluate a decision tree surrogate approach designed to inject domain knowledge of the surrogate by defining engineered features based on law of mass action or stoichiometric reaction equations.