Articles | Volume 14, issue 6
Methods for assessment of models
29 Jun 2021
Methods for assessment of models |  | 29 Jun 2021

A climatology of tropical wind shear produced by clustering wind profiles from the Met Office Unified Model (GA7.0)

Mark R. Muetzelfeldt, Robert S. Plant, Peter A. Clark, Alison J. Stirling, and Steven J. Woolnough

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Short summary
Wind shear causes organized convection in the tropics, producing, e.g., squall lines. We have developed a procedure for producing a climatology of sheared wind profiles in a climate model and demonstrated that the profiles are linked with organized convection, both in terms of their structure and their spatio-temporal distribution. The procedure could be used to diagnose organization of convection in a climate model, which could lead to improvements in the model's representation of convection.