Articles | Volume 14, issue 5
Model description paper
18 May 2021
Model description paper |  | 18 May 2021

Combining homogeneous and heterogeneous chemistry to model inorganic compound concentrations in indoor environments: the H2I model (v1.0)

Eve-Agnès Fiorentino, Henri Wortham, and Karine Sartelet

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Preprint withdrawn

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Cited articles

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Short summary
Indoor air quality (IAQ) is strongly influenced by reactivity with surfaces, which is called heterogeneous reactivity. To date, this reactivity is barely integrated into numerical models due to the strong uncertainties it is subjected to. In this work, an open-source IAQ model, called the H2I model, is developed to consider both gas-phase and heterogeneous reactivity and simulate indoor concentrations of inorganic compounds.