Articles | Volume 13, issue 11
Model description paper
06 Nov 2020
Model description paper |  | 06 Nov 2020

R2D2 v2.0: accounting for temporal dependences in multivariate bias correction via analogue rank resampling

Mathieu Vrac and Soulivanh Thao

Model code and software

R package R2D2 M. Vrac and S. Thao

The WFDEI Meteorological Forcing Data Weedon, G. P., Balsamo, G., Bellouin, N., Gomes, S., Best, M. J., and Viterbo, P.

Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison PCMDI: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Short summary
We propose a multivariate bias correction (MBC) method to adjust the spatial and/or inter-variable properties of climate simulations, while also accounting for their temporal dependences (e.g., autocorrelations). It consists on a method reordering the ranks of the time series according to their multivariate distance to a reference time series. Results show that temporal correlations are improved while spatial and inter-variable correlations are still satisfactorily corrected.