Articles | Volume 13, issue 5
Model evaluation paper
07 May 2020
Model evaluation paper |  | 07 May 2020

Evaluating a fire smoke simulation algorithm in the National Air Quality Forecast Capability (NAQFC) by using multiple observation data sets during the Southeast Nexus (SENEX) field campaign

Li Pan, HyunCheol Kim, Pius Lee, Rick Saylor, YouHua Tang, Daniel Tong, Barry Baker, Shobha Kondragunta, Chuanyu Xu, Mark G. Ruminski, Weiwei Chen, Jeff Mcqueen, and Ivanka Stajner


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Short summary
Compared to anthropogenic emissions, emissions from wildfires are largely uncontrolled and unpredictable. Quantitatively describing wildfire emissions and their contributions to air pollution remains a substantial challenge for air quality forecasting efforts. In this study, we test the wildfire calculation algorithm used by the National Air Quality Forecasting Capability (NAQFC) by comparison with ground, satellite and flight measurements during the Southeast Nexus (SENEX) field experiment.