Articles | Volume 13, issue 3
Model evaluation paper
25 Mar 2020
Model evaluation paper |  | 25 Mar 2020

PM2.5 ∕ PM10 ratio prediction based on a long short-term memory neural network in Wuhan, China

Xueling Wu, Ying Wang, Siyuan He, and Zhongfang Wu


Interactive discussion

Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Peer-review completion

AR: Author's response | RR: Referee report | ED: Editor decision
AR by Xueling Wu on behalf of the Authors (20 Dec 2019)  Author's response 
ED: Publish as is (20 Feb 2020) by David Topping
AR by Xueling Wu on behalf of the Authors (25 Feb 2020)
Short summary
This paper presents a composite prediction system designed to improve the accuracy and applicability of PM2.5 / PM10 predictions. Based on remote sensing images, the aerosol optical thickness was obtained and corrected. Then, we selected PM2.5 / PM10-related factors from meteorological factors and air pollutants and compared the effects of several intelligent models in different prediction patterns. The results showed that the LSTM model had significant advantages in accuracy and stability.