Articles | Volume 12, issue 2
Development and technical paper
27 Feb 2019
Development and technical paper |  | 27 Feb 2019

Mechanistic representation of soil nitrogen emissions in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model v 5.1

Quazi Z. Rasool, Jesse O. Bash, and Daniel S. Cohan

Data sets

Mechanistic Module for Soil Nitrogen Emissions for CMAQ Model Q. Z. Rasool, J. O. Bash, and D. S. Cohan

Model code and software

Mechanistic Module for Soil Nitrogen Emissions for CMAQ Model Q. Z. Rasool, J. O. Bash, and D. S. Cohan

Short summary
Soils have been overlooked as a source of reactive nitrogen (N) emissions that are pronounced in the summer ozone season (growing season) and increasingly important as fertilizer use grows, while fossil fuel combustion sources of N decline. Mechanistic process models of soil N emissions are used in Earth science and soil biogeochemical modeling on a site scale. This work mechanistically models soil N emissions for the first time on a regional scale to better understand their air quality impacts.