Articles | Volume 12, issue 8
Model description paper
01 Aug 2019
Model description paper |  | 01 Aug 2019

The Eulerian urban dispersion model EPISODE – Part 2: Extensions to the source dispersion and photochemistry for EPISODE–CityChem v1.2 and its application to the city of Hamburg

Matthias Karl, Sam-Erik Walker, Sverre Solberg, and Martin O. P. Ramacher

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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 15827–15845,,, 2021
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The urban dispersion model EPISODE v10.0 – Part 1: An Eulerian and sub-grid-scale air quality model and its application in Nordic winter conditions
Paul D. Hamer, Sam-Erik Walker, Gabriela Sousa-Santos, Matthias Vogt, Dam Vo-Thanh, Susana Lopez-Aparicio, Philipp Schneider, Martin O. P. Ramacher, and Matthias Karl
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The impact of ship emissions on air quality and human health in the Gothenburg area – Part II: Scenarios for 2040
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The impact of ship emissions on air quality and human health in the Gothenburg area – Part 1: 2012 emissions
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Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 7509–7530,,, 2020
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Quantifying the contribution of shipping NOx emissions to the marine nitrogen inventory – a case study for the western Baltic Sea
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Ocean Sci., 16, 115–134,,, 2020
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Cited articles

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Short summary
A large part of the population living in cities is exposed to ozone levels above the EU air quality target value. The CityChem extension of the urban air quality model EPISODE enables a detailed treatment of the atmospheric chemistry in urban areas and near-field dispersion close to industrial stacks and in street canyons. The application of the model in the city of Hamburg (Germany) shows good performance for ozone, nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter at air quality monitoring stations.