Articles | Volume 11, issue 3
Model description paper
06 Mar 2018
Model description paper |  | 06 Mar 2018

Isca, v1.0: a framework for the global modelling of the atmospheres of Earth and other planets at varying levels of complexity

Geoffrey K. Vallis, Greg Colyer, Ruth Geen, Edwin Gerber, Martin Jucker, Penelope Maher, Alexander Paterson, Marianne Pietschnig, James Penn, and Stephen I. Thomson

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Cited articles

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Short summary
The models that are used to describe the atmospheres of Earth and other planets are often very complicated. Although this is necessary for such things as weather prediction, it does not help in understanding. Furthermore, when studying other planets, there are insufficient data to warrant the use of complicated models. We have developed a framework that allows the construction of models of appropriate complexity for the problem at hand, and thus helps to actually model these atmospheres.