Articles | Volume 11, issue 10
Model evaluation paper
10 Oct 2018
Model evaluation paper |  | 10 Oct 2018

Comparison of dealiasing schemes in large-eddy simulation of neutrally stratified atmospheric flows

Fabien Margairaz, Marco G. Giometto, Marc B. Parlange, and Marc Calaf

Model code and software

LES-Utah-momentum F. Margairaz, M. Calaf, and M. G. Giometto

Short summary
In this project, we compare three different approaches to integrate the fluid-motion equations when applied to solve atmospheric flow dynamics. Differences between the three methods reside in accuracy as well as computational cost. The results illustrate that there is an intermediate solution that performs well in terms of computational cost while at the same time producing good enough results, as long one is not interested in the smallest turbulent scales.