Articles | Volume 11, issue 4
Development and technical paper
18 Apr 2018
Development and technical paper |  | 18 Apr 2018

Prognostic parameterization of cloud ice with a single category in the aerosol-climate model ECHAM(v6.3.0)-HAM(v2.3)

Remo Dietlicher, David Neubauer, and Ulrike Lohmann

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Short summary
A new cloud scheme was implemented in the aerosol–climate model ECHAM6-HAM2. Unlike traditional schemes, it does not categorize ice particles by in-cloud and precipitation types but uses a single category with prognostic bulk particle properties. The new scheme is not only conceptually simpler but also closer to first principles as it does not rely on weakly constrained conversion rates between predefined categories and resolves falling ice by local sub-time-stepping.