Articles | Volume 10, issue 9
Development and technical paper
19 Sep 2017
Development and technical paper |  | 19 Sep 2017

Analysis of errors introduced by geographic coordinate systems on weather numeric prediction modeling

Yanni Cao, Guido Cervone, Zachary Barkley, Thomas Lauvaux, Aijun Deng, and Alan Taylor

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Cited articles

Barkley, Z. R., Lauvaux, T., Davis, K. J., Deng, A., Cao, Y., Sweeney, C., Martins, D., Miles, N. L., Richardson, S. J., Murphy, T., Cervone, G., Karion, A., Schwietzke, S., Smith, M., Kort, E. A., and Maasakkers, J. D.: Quantifying methane emissions from natural gas production in northeastern Pennsylvania, Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.,, in review, 2017.
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Short summary
This research investigates the role and importance of reprojecting geographic information system layers used by weather numerical models as input by performing sensitivity studies of greenhouse gas transport and dispersion in northeastern Pennsylvania. To bridge the gap between geographic information system data and atmospheric models, this study presents an innovative approach by creating R code to automatically generate model input from geographic data and analyze the model output.