Articles | Volume 9, issue 7
Model description paper
06 Jul 2016
Model description paper |  | 06 Jul 2016

An open-source MEteoroLOgical observation time series DISaggregation Tool (MELODIST v0.1.1)

Kristian Förster, Florian Hanzer, Benjamin Winter, Thomas Marke, and Ulrich Strasser


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Short summary
For many applications in geoscientific modelling hourly meteorological time series are required, which generally cover shorter periods of time compared to daily time series. We present an open-source MEteoroLOgical observation time series DISaggregation Tool (MELODIST) capable of disaggregating temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, and shortwave radiation (i.e. making 24 out of 1 value). Results indicate a good reconstruction of diurnal features at five sites in different climates.