Articles | Volume 8, issue 11
Model description paper
18 Nov 2015
Model description paper |  | 18 Nov 2015

The Explicit Wake Parametrisation V1.0: a wind farm parametrisation in the mesoscale model WRF

P. J. H. Volker, J. Badger, A. N. Hahmann, and S. Ott

Data sets

Supplement file for EWPV1 in GMD Volker, P.J.H, Badger, J, Hahmann, A.N., and Ott, S.

Short summary
We introduce the Explicit Wake Parametrisation (EWP) for wind farms in mesoscale models that accounts for the wake expansion within a turbine-containing cell. In the EWP approach, turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) production results from changes in vertical shear. The velocity recovery compares well to mast data downstream of the offshore wind farm Horns Rev I. The vertical structure of the TKE and the velocity profile are qualitatively similar to that simulated with large eddy simulations.