Articles | Volume 18, issue 5
Model description paper
10 Mar 2025
Model description paper |  | 10 Mar 2025

The Water Table Model (WTM) (v2.0.1): coupled groundwater and dynamic lake modelling

Kerry L. Callaghan, Andrew D. Wickert, Richard Barnes, and Jacqueline Austermann

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Short summary
We present the Water Table Model (WTM), a new model for simulating groundwater and lake levels at continental scales over millennia. The WTM enables long-term evaluations of water-table changes. As a proof of concept, we simulate the North American water table for the present and the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), showing that North America held more groundwater and lake water during the LGM than it does today – enough to lower sea levels by 14.98 cm. The open-source code is available on GitHub.