Articles | Volume 17, issue 22
Model description paper
25 Nov 2024
Model description paper |  | 25 Nov 2024

MESSAGEix-Materials v1.1.0: representation of material flows and stocks in an integrated assessment model

Gamze Ünlü, Florian Maczek, Jihoon Min, Stefan Frank, Fridolin Glatter, Paul Natsuo Kishimoto, Jan Streeck, Nina Eisenmenger, Dominik Wiedenhofer, and Volker Krey

Model code and software

MESSAGEix-Materials Version 1.1.0 Gamze Ünlü et al.

Short summary
Extraction and processing of raw materials constitute a significant source of CO2 emissions in industry and so are contributors to climate change. We develop an open-source tool to assess different industry decarbonization pathways in integrated assessment models (IAMs) with a representation of material flows and stocks. We highlight the importance of expanding the scope of climate change mitigation options to include circular-economy and material efficiency measures in IAM scenario analysis.