Articles | Volume 17, issue 18
Model description paper
25 Sep 2024
Model description paper |  | 25 Sep 2024

Methane dynamics in the Baltic Sea: investigating concentration, flux, and isotopic composition patterns using the coupled physical–biogeochemical model BALTSEM-CH4 v1.0

Erik Gustafsson, Bo G. Gustafsson, Martijn Hermans, Christoph Humborg, and Christian Stranne

Data sets

BALTSEM with methane model and sample outputs Bo G. Gustafsson and Erik Gustafsson

Model code and software

BALTSEM with methane model and sample outputs Bo G. Gustafsson and Erik Gustafsson

Short summary
Methane (CH4) cycling in the Baltic Proper is studied through model simulations, enabling a first estimate of key CH4 fluxes. A preliminary budget identifies benthic CH4 release as the dominant source and two main sinks: CH4 oxidation in the water (92 % of sinks) and outgassing to the atmosphere (8 % of sinks). This study addresses CH4 emissions from coastal seas and is a first step toward understanding the relative importance of open-water outgassing compared with local coastal hotspots.