Articles | Volume 17, issue 16
Development and technical paper
19 Aug 2024
Development and technical paper |  | 19 Aug 2024

ShellSet v1.1.0 parallel dynamic neotectonic modelling: a case study using Earth5-049

Jon B. May, Peter Bird, and Michele M. C. Carafa

Model code and software

ShellSet - Parallel Dynamic Neotectonic Modelling Jon Bryan May et al.

Short summary
ShellSet is a combination of well-known geoscience software packages. It features a simple user interface and is optimised through the addition of a grid search input option (automatically searching for optimal models within a defined N-dimensional parameter space) and the ability to run multiple models in parallel. We show that for each number of models tested there is a performance benefit to parallel running, while two examples demonstrate a use case by improving an existing global model.