Articles | Volume 17, issue 8
Methods for assessment of models
29 Apr 2024
Methods for assessment of models |  | 29 Apr 2024

Bergen metrics: composite error metrics for assessing performance of climate models using EURO-CORDEX simulations

Alok K. Samantaray, Priscilla A. Mooney, and Carla A. Vivacqua

Data sets

ERA5 monthly 55 averaged data on pressure levels from 1950 to 1978 (preliminary version) B. Bell et al. https://cds.climate.copernicus-!/dataset/reanalysis-era5-pressure-levels- monthly-means-preliminary-back-extension?tab=overview

Model code and software

Bergen Metric Alok Samantaray

Short summary
Any interpretation of climate model data requires a comprehensive evaluation of the model performance. Numerous error metrics exist for this purpose, and each focuses on a specific aspect of the relationship between reference and model data. Thus, a comprehensive evaluation demands the use of multiple error metrics. However, this can lead to confusion. We propose a clustering technique to reduce the number of error metrics needed and a composite error metric to simplify the interpretation.