Comments to “Global downscaled projections for climate impacts research (GDPCIR): preserving extremes for modeling future climate impacts”, by Gergel et al.
The authors did a great job and the manuscript has substantially improved in the revised version. Thank you for all clarifications and new additions. I have only some additional minor comments.
L38 At this stage more basic references to bias adjustment methods should be given instead of works about multi-variate BC methods (i.e. François et al., 2020b) which have not been even mentioned yet and are not considered in this work. I would recommend to replace that citation by Maraun and Widmann 2018, Räty et al 2014 and references threrein. Also note that the references François et al 2020a and 2020b seem to refer to the same work so, please, correct the references list and its mention throughout the manuscript.
L38-39 "or methods that use deep learning neural networks (Baño-Medina et al., 2021)" The cited work is not dealing with bias correction, but with statistical downscaling using large-scale predictors which is a different approach for statistical downscaling. Thus, it does not apply to mention it here. Please remove this part of the sentence.
L40 Mention also empirical quantile mapping (Déqué 2007) after Li et al. 2010, which in my view is the most widely used QM method and implementation.
L41-42 I would write "VALUE Cost Action experiment" or "VALUE experiment" instead of "VALUE study".
L44-45 Please add "parametric" before "quantile mapping approach", to differenciate from the previous methods.
L50 I would add to the reference "and references therein".
L55 Please add "such as threshold-based indices" after "for climate extremes".
L56 I do not think that Casanueva et al. 2019 generally support the use of trend-preserving methods. In fact, they found the modification of the signals in GCMs (by empirical quantile mapping) to produce, in specific cases, more realistic signals than those of the original raw GCMs. Thus I would remove the citation there.
Lines 50-61 could be better organized. For instance, it would make more sense to mention Lehner et al. 2023 and Casanueva et al. 2020 in the same sentence since they are very much related. Also "an additional question..." is worth to mention but it is a bit lost there. I see two messages in the paragraph which are a bit mixed in the current version: 1) general question about preservation or not of the climate change signals (also the mean, not only about quantiles) since trend-preserving corrections are a sensible choice when a climate model simulates a credible climate change signal (Maraun 2016) but could be questioned otherwise, 2) if preservation is desired, QDM is one of the best performing methods.
L108 This is the first time SSP is mentioned and the abbreviation is defined a few lines later.
L119 I think it should be Table 1 instead of A1.
L252-259 I guess the described approach refers to the "pre" wet day frequency adjustment. If so, mention the second "post" adjustment afterwards or state more clearly that this paragraph refers to the "pre" adjustment.
L357 (and Sec. 4.3 in general) "The analog day for that quantile is 1.5º". Being the analog day a temperature does not make much sense to me (the analog day should be another day), please rephrase. I am sorry for insisting but still do not get why adjustment factors are called analogs, at least some times. I think that analog day is not exactly the adjustment factor, but the day corresponding to the closest quantile within the 620 days used for calibration, isn't it? If so, I would rather refer to them in the text as spatial adjustment factors as they are in the figures and equations. Also, as authors corroborated, downscaled data for Miami (Fig.2) depends only on the adjusment factor of the 0.25x0.25 over Miami, so the adjective "spatial" is a bit misleading. I do not fully get panel c showing "all possible adjustment factors for 15 August", what are the bars for each quantile showing? Please clarify the caption description.
L586-588 So the next question would be, at which resolution are errors in Eq. 6 and 7 calculated? at the final 0.25x0.25º or the coarse 1x1º or the GCM original resolution? Or do authors just took the gridbox over each city for each dataset regardless of the resolution? The latter would not be entire fair due to the different representativeness of each grid box. I think that the fairest would be a comparison on the 1x1º grid (i.e. upscaling the results at high resolution) since departures from the raw data are analyzed and some added value of the high-resolution could still be present after upscaling. Same question for Sect. 5.2.3: at which resolution are raw and downscaled datasets compared? Please clarify.
L588 Not sure why ERA5 is mentioned here, since these analyses compared raw vs bias corrected plus downscaled data.
L593 "variables" can be removed.
Sect. 5.2.2 In my view the quantities of Eqs. 6 and 7 should not be called "errors", especially the one in Eq. 6 which represents the difference between raw and BA plus downscaled data in the annual cycle, since it should imply an improvement by construction. I would rather use the term "differences" or "effect of BA plus downscaling" and "effect in trend preservation". Check also line 651.
Sect. 5.2.2 and Sect. 5.2.3 have almost the same title, consider to change 5.2.3 to something a bit more specific.
L627 and caption of Fig. 7 "change in period average" is commonly denoted as climate change signal. Same in lines 636-637 and caption of Fig.8 and 9.
L644 Consider to add that this is in line with other studies such as Casanueva et al. 2020, since the lack of preservation of derived indices signal has been already reported in other studies.
Fig. 5. Consider to plot the bars for the raw GCMs with the thin blue frame as in Fig. A11, because the grey rectangle is sometimes hard to see.
Table B1 What does GC in "GC CMIP6" mean?
Please mention either in the methodology or around line 70 (where ISIMIP is mentioned) that, within ISIMIP3, bias adjustment is developed at coarse resolution and subsequent stochastic statistical downscaling (based on The MBCn -multivariate quantile mapping bias adjustment method- algorithm by Cannon 2017) to a finer resolution of 0.5º is the final product. So the procedure is similar to the QDM plus QPLAD procedure.
Cannon, A. J.: Multivariate quantile mapping bias correction: an N-dimensional probability density function transform for climate model simulations of multiple variables, Clim. Dynam., 50, 31–49,, 2017
Déqué, M. (2007) Frequency of precipitation and temperature extremes over France in an anthropogenic scenario: model results and statistical correction according to observed values. Global and Planetary Change, 57, 16–26.
Dosio, A. (2016) Projections of climate change indices of temperature and precipitation from an ensemble of bias-adjusted high-resolution EURO-CORDEX regional climate models. Journal of Geophysical Research—Atmospheres, 121, 5488–5511.
Maraun D (2016) Bias correcting climate change simulations—a critical review. Current Climate Change Reports 2(4):211–220.
Maraun, D. and Widmann, M. (2018) Statistical Downscaling and Bias Correction for Climate Research. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Räty, O., Räisänen, J. and Ylhäisi, J.S. (2014) Evaluation of delta change and bias correction methods for future daily precipitation: intermodel cross-validation using ENSEMBLES simulations. Climate Dynamics, 42, 2287–2303. |