Articles | Volume 16, issue 23
Model evaluation paper
08 Dec 2023
Model evaluation paper |  | 08 Dec 2023

An evaluation of the LLC4320 global-ocean simulation based on the submesoscale structure of modeled sea surface temperature fields

Katharina Gallmeier, J. Xavier Prochaska, Peter Cornillon, Dimitris Menemenlis, and Madolyn Kelm

Data sets

VIIRS data and Ulmo model for comparison to the LLC4320 ECCO ocean general circulation model J. Xavier Prochaska, Katharina Gallmeier, Peter Cornillon, Dimitris Menemenlis, and Madolyn Kelm

Model code and software

AI-for-Ocean-Science/ulmo: Updates for Gallmeier in press J. Xavier Prochaska, Katharina Gallmeier, and Madolyn Kelm

Short summary
This paper introduces an approach to evaluate numerical models of ocean circulation. We compare the structure of satellite-derived sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTa) instances determined by a machine learning algorithm at 10–80 km scales to those output by a high-resolution MITgcm run. The simulation over much of the ocean reproduces the observed distribution of SSTa patterns well. This general agreement, alongside a few notable exceptions, highlights the potential of this approach.