Articles | Volume 16, issue 20
Model evaluation paper
20 Oct 2023
Model evaluation paper |  | 20 Oct 2023

Key factors for quantitative precipitation nowcasting using ground weather radar data based on deep learning

Daehyeon Han, Jungho Im, Yeji Shin, and Juhyun Lee

Data sets

Supplementary code and data: Key factors for quantitative precipitation nowcasting using ground weather radar data based on deep learning Daehyeon Han

RainNet: a convolutional neural network for radar-based precipitation nowcasting G. Ayzel

Video-Prediction-using-PyTorch A. H. Nielsen

Model code and software

Supplementary code and data: Key factors for quantitative precipitation nowcasting using ground weather radar data based on deep learning Daehyeon Han

Short summary
To identify the key factors affecting quantitative precipitation nowcasting (QPN) using deep learning (DL), we carried out a comprehensive evaluation and analysis. We compared four key factors: DL model, length of the input sequence, loss function, and ensemble approach. Generally, U-Net outperformed ConvLSTM. Loss function and ensemble showed potential for improving performance when they synergized well. The length of the input sequence did not significantly affect the results.