Articles | Volume 16, issue 14
Model description paper
 | Highlight paper
31 Jul 2023
Model description paper | Highlight paper |  | 31 Jul 2023

DSCIM-Coastal v1.1: an open-source modeling platform for global impacts of sea level rise

Nicholas Depsky, Ian Bolliger, Daniel Allen, Jun Ho Choi, Michael Delgado, Michael Greenstone, Ali Hamidi, Trevor Houser, Robert E. Kopp, and Solomon Hsiang

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Cited articles

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Executive editor
Sea level rise represents one of the most compelling aspects of anthropogenic climate change. The potential social and economic impacts are enormous, with little that can be done to mitigate them. It is therefore of critical importance that we are able to correctly anticipate these impacts in advance. This study presents a new, open-source platform that integrates numerical modelling with socioeconomic and physical datasets, whilst also allowing for the uncertainty in climate change projections. This tool therefore allows for new and improved estimates of the global costs of future sea level rise and is likely to be of widespread interest.
Short summary
This work presents a novel open-source modeling platform for evaluating future sea level rise (SLR) impacts. Using nearly 10 000 discrete coastline segments around the world, we estimate 21st-century costs for 230 SLR and socioeconomic scenarios. We find that annual end-of-century costs range from USD 100 billion under a 2 °C warming scenario with proactive adaptation to 7 trillion under a 4 °C warming scenario with minimal adaptation, illustrating the cost-effectiveness of coastal adaptation.