Development and technical paper
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03 Mar 2023
Development and technical paper |
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03 Mar 2023
Porting the WAVEWATCH III (v6.07) wave action source terms to GPU
Olawale James Ikuyajolu, Luke Van Roekel, Steven R. Brus, Erin E. Thomas, Yi Deng, and Sarat Sreepathi
Data sets
Porting the WAVEWATCH III Wave Action Source Terms to GPU - WaveWatchIII configuration files
Olawale James Ikuyajolu, Luke Van Roekel, Steven R. Brus, Erin E. Thomas, and Yi Deng
Model code and software
Porting the WAVEWATCH III Wave Action Source Terms to GPU - Code Base (1.0.0)
Olawale James Ikuyajolu, Luke Van Roekel, Steven R. Brus, Erin E. Thomas, and Yi Deng