Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Methods for assessment of models
 | Highlight paper
26 Jan 2022
Methods for assessment of models | Highlight paper |  | 26 Jan 2022

Numerically consistent budgets of potential temperature, momentum, and moisture in Cartesian coordinates: application to the WRF model

Matthias Göbel, Stefano Serafin, and Mathias W. Rotach

Data sets

Model output for "Numerically consistent budgets of potential temperature, momentum and moisture in Cartesian coordinates: Application to the WRF model" Matthias Göbel

Model code and software

WRFlux (Version 1.2.1) Matthias Göbel

Simulation setup for "Numerically consistent budgets of potential temperature, momentum and moisture in Cartesian coordinates: Application to the WRF model" Matthias Göbel

Short summary
We present WRFlux, an open-source software that allows numerically consistent, time-averaged budget evaluation of prognostic variables for the numerical weather prediction model WRF as well as the transformation of the budget equations from the terrain-following grid of the model to the Cartesian coordinate system. We demonstrate the performance and a possible application of WRFlux and illustrate the detrimental effects of approximations that are inconsistent with the model numerics.