Articles | Volume 15, issue 15
Model description paper
12 Aug 2022
Model description paper |  | 12 Aug 2022

Large-eddy simulations with ClimateMachine v0.2.0: a new open-source code for atmospheric simulations on GPUs and CPUs

Akshay Sridhar, Yassine Tissaoui, Simone Marras, Zhaoyi Shen, Charles Kawczynski, Simon Byrne, Kiran Pamnany, Maciej Waruszewski, Thomas H. Gibson, Jeremy E. Kozdon, Valentin Churavy, Lucas C. Wilcox, Francis X. Giraldo, and Tapio Schneider

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Cited articles

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Short summary
ClimateMachine is a new open-source Julia-language atmospheric modeling code. We describe its limited-area configuration and the model equations, and we demonstrate applicability through benchmark problems, including atmospheric flow in the shallow cumulus regime. We show that the discontinuous Galerkin numerics and model equations allow global conservation of key variables (up to sources and sinks). We assess CPU strong scaling and GPU weak scaling to show its suitability for large simulations.