the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Parallel implementation of the SHYFEM (System of HydrodYnamic Finite Element Modules) model
Giorgio Micaletto
Ivano Barletta
Silvia Mocavero
Ivan Federico
Italo Epicoco
Giorgia Verri
Giovanni Coppini
Pasquale Schiano
Giovanni Aloisio
Nadia Pinardi
- Final revised paper (published on 02 Aug 2022)
- Preprint (discussion started on 02 Nov 2021)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on gmd-2021-319', Anonymous Referee #1, 13 Nov 2021
The paper presents the parallelization of the software package SHYFEM using distributed memory approach. In particular, optimized libraries were used to solve the free surface equation and to partitioning the computational grid. Parallel approach is described in details and performance analysis is carried out on results.
As claimed by the authors the limiting factors to the overall scalability lie in the sea level computation which involves the PETSc – KSP solver and data decomposition. The efficiency drops below 55% with 144 cores. In particular,
- Matrix decomposition used in PETSc, namely the block row partition, is not the same of SHYFEM. Then, a global communication is required and a loss of efficiency results. My questions: are
- since the parallelism is being introduced in the original sequential version of SHYFEM, why the data partitioning chosen for SHYFEM is not the same of PETSC?
- PETSc offers the Distributed Arrays (DMDA) objects that simplify the distribution and the management of the domain data (all the physical quantities on the domain region) in a distributed memory system. Why the authors do not exploit DMDA objects?
- Otherwise, why do not explore the use of TRILINOS, or HYPRE that are already able to interact with PETSc ?
- Finally, why the authors do not explore matrix-free solvers?
The authors should clarify these issues.
- The KSP solver used for the free surface equation is known to have synchronization points at each iteration leading to a loss of efficiency for the parallel algorithm. My question is:
- why do not explore communication avoiding variants of Krylov sparse solvers?
The authors should be aware of this issue
- In addition to these two factors, in my opinion there is another crucial point. Since domain decomposition involves only spacial direction and not the time direction, a global communication is required at each time step of surface equation. My question is:
- why do not explore parallel -in -time approaches ? Parallelism should be introduced ab initio in any mathematical / numerical model, and this is especially true for time marching models. Otherwise, the efficiency will be ever poor.
The authors should discuss this issue
In conclusion, I think that while the deployment of an application software by means of the use of scientific libraries, such as PETSc, can be considered a good investment, SHYFEM needs to be deeply redesigned to meet scalability requirements.
Citation: -
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Italo Epicoco, 12 Feb 2022
Dear Reviewer
Thank you for your valuable comments. Here we report your comments followed by our answers in italic
As claimed by the authors the limiting factors to the overall scalability lie in the sea level computation which involves the PETSc – KSP solver and data decomposition. The efficiency drops below 55% with 144 cores. In particular,
Matrix decomposition used in PETSc, namely the block row partition, is not the same of SHYFEM. Then, a global communication is required and a loss of efficiency results.
My questions: are
since the parallelism is being introduced in the original sequential version of SHYFEM, why the data partitioning chosen for SHYFEM is not the same of PETSC?The grid points (nodes) are ordered after application of the Cuthill-McKee algorithm on the mesh. This approach is used in continuity with the sequential version of SHYFEM, where the Cuthill-McKee algorithm is embedded in the SPARSEKIT framework. This is done to optimize the bandwidth of the sea level matrix and make the iterative solution faster. PETSc uses a 2D domain decomposition based on the ordering of the nodes in the matrix without considering the geometry; whilest, the grid partitioning used in SHYFEM takes into account the load balancing for the computation made on the 3D domain and to minimize the spatial cutting edge between one process and its neighbors (regardless of the numbering of the elements in the matrix). Moreover, the decomposition in SHYFEM is done considering the elements and not nodes as in PETSc. The decomposition used in SHYFEM is optimal to reduce the communications overhead and to better balance the workload in all other aspects of the model which computationally represent the most onerous part.
However, we are going to investigate the use of the DMPlex module available within PETSc to handle unstructured grids.
PETSc offers the Distributed Arrays (DMDA) objects that simplify the distribution and the management of the domain data (all the physical quantities on the domain region) in a distributed memory system. Why the authors do not exploit DMDA objects?Thanks for the suggestion. We have investigated the usage of DMDA. To our knowledge, the DMDA objects are exclusively oriented to structured grids, as stated from PETSc manual: "structured grid in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions. In the global representation of the vector each process stores a non-overlapping rectangular". In our case the SHYFEM model uses an unstructured grid.
Otherwise, why do not explore the use of TRILINOS, or HYPRE that are already able to interact with PETSc ?We thank the reviewer for pointing out this aspect. The exploitation of Trilinos and Hypre libraries is under evaluation and we plan to include them in the code as soon as we have evidence of an improvement of the computational performance w.r.t. the current implementation, unfortunately this activity takes much more time than expected and cannot be considered for this manuscript. Even if the current implementation is perfectible, we believe we have reached a milestone by parallelizing the SHYFEM model with MPI and introducing the use of high performance numerical libraries.
Finally, why the authors do not explore matrix-free solvers?We thank the reviewer for this suggestion, we have implemented a matrix-free approach and compared the computational performance w.r.t. the current implementation. The new approach did not bring an evident improvement, we will report this analysis in Section 5.2 of the paper. In particular, the matrix free approach requires the user to explicitly write the routine for the matrix-vector multiplication, however in order to correctly compute the matrix-vector multiplication a communication stage among the processes is needed. This communication time partially invalidates the benefit given by the matrix-free approach.
The KSP solver used for the free surface equation is known to have synchronization points at each iteration leading to a loss of efficiency for the parallel algorithm. My question is:
why do not explore communication avoiding variants of Krylov sparse solvers?We tested some other solvers which exploit the communication avoiding technique. This further analysis will be reported in Section 5.2. We evaluated the following solvers: Generalized Minimal Residual(GMRES); Improved Biconjugate gradient stabilized method(IBCGS), Flexible Biconjugate gradient stabilized (FBCGSR) and Biconjugate gradient stabilized method(BCGS). Among these methods the most efficient one, in our configuration, was the FBCGSR. We further investigated two pipelined methods such as PIPEBCGS and PIPEFGMRES: the first method diverges after a few iterations, it was necessary to increase the tolerances by 4 orders of magnitude in order to use it and it did not lead to improvements, the second instead had a worse scalability than the BCGS method used initially.
In addition to these two factors, in my opinion there is another crucial point. Since domain decomposition involves only spatial direction and not the time direction, a global communication is required at each time step of surface equation. My question is:
why do not explore parallel -in -time approaches ? Parallelism should be introduced ab initio in any mathematical / numerical model, and this is especially true for time marching models. Otherwise, the efficiency will be ever poor.We thank the reviewer for pointing out this aspect. The parallel in time approach would require a complete and disruptive revision of the data structure and the whole code structure.
In conclusion, I think that while the deployment of an application software by means of the use of scientific libraries, such as PETSc, can be considered a good investment, SHYFEM needs to be deeply redesigned to meet scalability requirements.We are aware that the code can be further optimized in the future. Our work followed an evolutionary approach starting from an already existing sequential implementation of the model. A deep optimization would require a complete redesign of the code structure but this was out of the scope of our work.
- Matrix decomposition used in PETSc, namely the block row partition, is not the same of SHYFEM. Then, a global communication is required and a loss of efficiency results. My questions: are
RC2: 'Comment on gmd-2021-319', Ufuk Utku Turuncoglu, 18 Dec 2021
The paper demostrates the design, implementation and validation of the parallelized version of the SHYFEM ocean model that uses unstructured mesh. For this purpose, the authors use a set of third-party libraries (PETSc and ParMETIS) to develop distributed memory versions of the model. The paper is valuable because the ocean models that use unstructured mesh are very important for the applications like interconnected basins with narrow straits etc. and having efficently paralelized versions of those models will help to design more realsitic applications. The paper is well presented and written but having issues with reproducibility is my main concern and I think it needs to be addressed since it is the one of the most important aspects of scientific applications and tools.
General comments:
- please define graph partitioning with one sentence in section 3.3 for the readers that are not familiar with the concept.
- In figure 5, it is demonstrated that the sequential code uses SPARSEKIT. Please add a short description of it to the text. Is this the tool mentioned in the following link, If so, please also include it in the references. If it is not relevant to include it, then the sequential part can be removed from the figure.
- the authors are discussing the convergence criteria In Section 4.3, specifically at line 326. Is there any other criteria used for the convergence such as maximum number of iteration etc.? In some cases/applications, it would be hard to meet the defined tolerance criteria.
- It seems that the solution vector needs to be gathered and redistributed again due to the mismatch between the domain composition defined in the model and the PETSc. As it indicated in the manuscript, the domain decomposition is defined in the pre-processing stage at the beginning of the simulation through the use of the Zoltan package. Is it possible to reorder decomposition in the PETSc to get rid of collecting and redistributing the solution in every iteration? It could create a bottleneck in the overall performance of the model especially for the high resolution applications. The performance benchmark results are also supporting low efficiency of the model when the number of processors is increased. Is there any available tool that creates a link between Zoltan and PETSc to solve similar issues? If the authors could clarify it in the text that would be great. It would be also nice to add references that mention about the similar issue.
- The section 4.4 mainly aims to give information about the I/O management but it does not give details of the parallel I/O library used to read initial and forcing data. This section needs to be extended to include the details of the used library for the parallel I/O and also its scalability (may be in the validation section). Additionally, since each process reads its own restart file, it seems that it is not possible to restart the model using a different number of processors than used in the initial run. This might add extra limitations to the usability of the model and need to be more emphasized. Since the model restarted in a parallel fashion, is there any issue related with the bit-to-bit reproducibility of the simulation results. What are the restrictions in the current implementation in terms of reproducibility?
- Which tool is used to interpolate the forcing data from the regular grid to the unstructured mesh? Is it custom code? What kind of interpolation algorithm is used here (conservative, bilinear etc.). Since the forcing might include flux components, it would be nice to use conservative type interpolation for those variables. It would be also nice to include information about the interpolation of vector fields and how they are handled. The tool might need to preserve the properties of the vector fields after interpolation.
- To assess the decoupled effect of the I/O and computational performance of the model, it would be better to run the model with the configuration that does not write the output. By this way, the pure performance of the MPI implementation can be clearly seen. Since, I/O can be affected by its way of implementation in the model and the architecture of the underlying system (number of I/O nodes, their interconnection, number MDS and OSS servers, RAID configuration and used parallel file system) it would be hard to assess the effect of the I/O in the benchmark results and could add extra uncertainty of the performance measurements and results. Personally, I prefer to see the pure MPI communication overhead in the benchmark results.
- memory scaling is mentioned about one of the key advantages of the distributed memory approach but there is no any information about the scaling of the memory in the current implementation. It would be nice to add a plot or table (total memory per node vs. number of processors etc.) that includes more information about memory scaling of SHYFEM-MPI model. The memory usage can be monitored by some open source and public tools such as Valgrind etc.
- In the validation section (5.1), author's point that the SHYFEM-MPI model is not bit-to-bit reproducible due to the order of the floating point operations. Although, it is not clear what kind of operations are mentioned in here (it would be nice to extend this part little bit), intel compiler provides way of ensuring order of the floating point operations such as in reduction operations via using special -fp-model precise flag. The special compile flag could slow the model around %10 but it could also help to achieve bit-to-bit results. Is this flag used when building model as well as PETSc library? Personally, two different execution of same configuration with same domain decomposition and same number of cores must produce identical results but it seems that SHYFEM-MPI model does not provide this capability, which is the main drawback of the current implementation. It also makes hard to couple the SHYFEM-MPI model with the other earth system model components (i.e. atmosphere model) because the non-linear interactions among the model components could lead totally different answer, which is very dangerous. The authors also discuss about a version that could create the reproducible results but I am not sure why it is just for debugging. I think that version needs to be publicly available. I think providing a model code to the ocean user community with a lack of reproducibility is very dangerous. I strongly suggest that the authors need to publish their reproducible version of the code in the code availability section. It would have some performance problems but at least it can be used safely in the scientific applications.
- Page 4 / Line 96: Referencing to the tables and figures must be consistent across the document. In the same cases the table and figure numbers are given inside the parenthesis and others not. Please review them carefully. For example, table (1) needs to be Table 1.
- Page 11 / Line 225: Please cite PETSc correctly using information in the following link,
- Page 17 / Figure 6: I think there is something wrong with Figure 6. There is no top, bottom-left etc. So, the figure caption and figure needs to be consistent.
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Italo Epicoco, 12 Feb 2022
Dear Reviewer
Thank you for your valuable comments and suggestions. We report here you comments followed by our answers in italic
- please define graph partitioning with one sentence in section 3.3 for the readers that are not familiar with the concept.
We will insert the following sentence in section 3.3 to better explain the concept of graph partitioning: "graph partition consists in the aggregation of nodes into mutually exclusive groups minimizing the number of cutting edge. The graph partitioning problems fall under the category of NP-hard problems. Solutions to these problems are generally derived using heuristics and approximation algorithms"
- In figure 5, it is demonstrated that the sequential code uses SPARSEKIT. Please add a short description of it to the text. Is this the tool mentioned in the following link, If so, please also include it in the references. If it is not relevant to include it, then the sequential part can be removed from the figure.We will remove figure 5 at all because it does not add essential information to the text.
- the authors are discussing the convergence criteria In Section 4.3, specifically at line 326. Is there any other criteria used for the convergence such as maximum number of iteration etc.? In some cases/applications, it would be hard to meet the defined tolerance criteria.We will modifie the text reporting the four convergence tests of KSP method:
- the residual is lower than the tolerance
- the relative residual is lower than the relative tolerance
- residual is larger than divergence tolerance
- the number of iterations exceeds the maximum number of iterations
Moreover, we will add the following sentence after equation (18):
"The last two criteria possibly indicate that the method is diverging and that the solution is not accurate"
We will also replace line 326 with:
"We set absolute and relative tolerance to 10^-12 and 10^-15 respectively. Divergence tolerance and maximum iterations are set to default values (both 10^4"
- It seems that the solution vector needs to be gathered and redistributed again due to the mismatch between the domain composition defined in the model and the PETSc. As it indicated in the manuscript, the domain decomposition is defined in the pre-processing stage at the beginning of the simulation through the use of the Zoltan package. Is it possible to reorder decomposition in the PETSc to get rid of collecting and redistributing the solution in every iteration? It could create a bottleneck in the overall performance of the model especially for the high resolution applications. The performance benchmark results are also supporting low efficiency of the model when the number of processors is increased. Is there any available tool that creates a link between Zoltan and PETSc to solve similar issues? If the authors could clarify it in the text that would be great. It would be also nice to add references that mention about the similar issue.We thank the reviewer for pointing out this aspect. To the best of our knowledge, no tool exists that creates a link between Zoltan and PETSc. However, we are investigating the exploitation of the DMPlex module within PETSc to handle unstructured model meshes. Unfortunately we have not yet achieved results that can be presented in the current manuscript.
The FESOM model is one example of an unstructured model which uses PETSc for solving the free surface equation.
- The section 4.4 mainly aims to give information about the I/O management but it does not give details of the parallel I/O library used to read initial and forcing data. This section needs to be extended to include the details of the used library for the parallel I/O and also its scalability (may be in the validation section). Additionally, since each process reads its own restart file, it seems that it is not possible to restart the model using a different number of processors than used in the initial run. This might add extra limitations to the usability of the model and need to be more emphasized. Since the model restarted in a parallel fashion, is there any issue related with the bit-to-bit reproducibility of the simulation results. What are the restrictions in the current implementation in terms of reproducibility?The input files are mainly represented by binary unformatted files; the parallel I/O is directly implemented in the code.
We confirm that in this version of the model the restart files are read by each process and it is not possible to change the number of processes between one run and the next one. However, we are extending the code to support the restarting from a single restart file with the global domain data.
The reproducibility analysis has been explained in section 5.1 and the factors that impact on the bit-to-bit reproducibility are due to different order in which the floating point operations are evaluated.
The restartability of the model has been validated comparing the outputs obtained by a "LONG" run simulating 2 days but after the first day of simulation the restart files are saved, and the "SHORT" run which simulates only one day restarting from the restart files saved by the "LONG" run. We obtained a bit-to-bit comparison between the outputs obtained from the LONG run and those obtained from the SHORT run. For the restartability test we used the version of the model compiled in DEBUGON mode (which build a bit-to-bit reproducible executable). We will add this explanation in section 5.1 of the manuscript.
- Which tool is used to interpolate the forcing data from the regular grid to the unstructured mesh? Is it custom code? What kind of interpolation algorithm is used here (conservative, bilinear etc.). Since the forcing might include flux components, it would be nice to use conservative type interpolation for those variables. It would be also nice to include information about the interpolation of vector fields and how they are handled. The tool might need to preserve the properties of the vector fields after interpolation.The model has its own internal routines to build weights and perform bilinear interpolation of atmospheric forcing fields at runtime. Forcing fields are also interpolated linearly in time. The aforementioned routines work also in parallel where each process applies the weights within its own portion of the domain, as described in section 4.4. In the parallel version we kept the same approach used in the sequential version of the model, the application of conservative interpolation methods goes beyond the scope of this paper, which regards the optimization of the code only from an HPC perspective.
- To assess the decoupled effect of the I/O and computational performance of the model, it would be better to run the model with the configuration that does not write the output. By this way, the pure performance of the MPI implementation can be clearly seen. Since, I/O can be affected by its way of implementation in the model and the architecture of the underlying system (number of I/O nodes, their interconnection, number MDS and OSS servers, RAID configuration and used parallel file system) it would be hard to assess the effect of the I/O in the benchmark results and could add extra uncertainty of the performance measurements and results. Personally, I prefer to see the pure MPI communication overhead in the benchmark results.The performance assessment has been executed after careful instrumentation of the code in order to measure the execution time spent within the I/O routines and within the MPI calls to evaluate the communication overhead and within the main part of the computation. Figure 12 reports the scalability analysis for the different phases of the code in a configuration which is close enough to a realistic run. However, we agree with the reviewer, we will extend Section 5.2 with the performance evaluation when the outputs is disabled.
- memory scaling is mentioned about one of the key advantages of the distributed memory approach but there is no any information about the scaling of the memory in the current implementation. It would be nice to add a plot or table (total memory per node vs. number of processors etc.) that includes more information about memory scaling of SHYFEM-MPI model. The memory usage can be monitored by some open source and public tools such as Valgrind etc.We thank the reviewer for this suggestion. We will extended section 5.2 with the analysis of the memory footprint
- In the validation section (5.1), author's point that the SHYFEM-MPI model is not bit-to-bit reproducible due to the order of the floating point operations. Although, it is not clear what kind of operations are mentioned in here (it would be nice to extend this part little bit), intel compiler provides way of ensuring order of the floating point operations such as in reduction operations via using special -fp-model precise flag. The special compile flag could slow the model around %10 but it could also help to achieve bit-to-bit results. Is this flag used when building model as well as PETSc library? Personally, two different execution of same configuration with same domain decomposition and same number of cores must produce identical results but it seems that SHYFEM-MPI model does not provide this capability, which is the main drawback of the current implementation. It also makes hard to couple the SHYFEM-MPI model with the other earth system model components (i.e. atmosphere model) because the non-linear interactions among the model components could lead totally different answer, which is very dangerous. The authors also discuss about a version that could create the reproducible results but I am not sure why it is just for debugging. I think that version needs to be publicly available. I think providing a model code to the ocean user community with a lack of reproducibility is very dangerous. I strongly suggest that the authors need to publish their reproducible version of the code in the code availability section. It would have some performance problems but at least it can be used safely in the scientific applications.We thank the reviewer for pointing out this aspect that was one of the most discussed during our work. The intel compiler flag -fp-model is actually used when compiling the model but it is not enough to guarantee the bit-to-bit reproducibility when facing a parallel application. The -fp-model flag preserves the standard order during the evaluation of a single floating point expression, but in a parallel application the order of the floating point operations depends also on the order in which the data are received from the neighbour processes. The not-deterministic order in the message exchange is mainly introduced by the not-blocking send/receive, by the use of ANYSOURCE rank specification during a receiving call and by certain implementation of the reduction operations. We obtained a bit-to-bit reproducible version of the model by removing all the sources of not-determinism; the counterpart is that in that version the performance drops dramatically. The parallel-SHYFEM software package that we published already supports the compilation of the model to be bit-to-bit reproducible with respect to the sequential run; the user can obtain the bit-to-bit version using the DEBUGON compiler key.
- Page 4 / Line 96: Referencing to the tables and figures must be consistent across the document. In the same cases the table and figure numbers are given inside the parenthesis and others not. Please review them carefully. For example, table (1) needs to be Table 1.
- Page 11 / Line 225: Please cite PETSc correctly using information in the following link,
- Page 17 / Figure 6: I think there is something wrong with Figure 6. There is no top, bottom-left etc. So, the figure caption and figure needs to be consistent.We thanks the reviewer for these corrections, we will include them in the revised version of the manuscript
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Italo Epicoco, 12 Feb 2022
Peer review completion