Articles | Volume 15, issue 13
Development and technical paper
13 Jul 2022
Development and technical paper |  | 13 Jul 2022

uDALES 1.0: a large-eddy simulation model for urban environments

Ivo Suter, Tom Grylls, Birgit S. Sützl, Sam O. Owens, Chris E. Wilson, and Maarten van Reeuwijk

Data sets

uDALES 1.0: a large-eddy-simulation model for urban environments Ivo Suter

Model code and software

uDALES: large-eddy-simulation software for urban flow, dispersion, and microclimate modelling T. Grylls, I. Suter, B. Sützl, S. Owens, D. Meyer, and M. van Reeuwijk

uDALES I. Suter, T. Grylls, B. Sützl, S. Owens, D. Meyer, M. and van Reeuwijk

Short summary
Cities are increasingly moving to the fore of climate and air quality research due to their central role in the population’s health and well-being, while suitable models remain scarce. This article describes the development of a new urban LES model, which allows examining the effects of various processes, infrastructure and vegetation on the local climate and air quality. Possible applications are demonstrated and a comparison to an experiment is shown.