Articles | Volume 15, issue 2
Development and technical paper
19 Jan 2022
Development and technical paper |  | 19 Jan 2022

Downscaling of air pollutants in Europe using uEMEP_v6

Qing Mu, Bruce Rolstad Denby, Eivind Grøtting Wærsted, and Hilde Fagerli

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Cited articles

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Denby, B. R.: uEMEP matlab plotting scripts for visualisation of European uEMEP calculations, Zenodo [code],, 2021b. a
Denby, B. and Wind, P.: Development of a downscaling methodology for urban applications (uEMEP), in: Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components, The Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Oslo, Norway, EMEP Status Report 1/2016, 75–88, 2016. a
Denby, B., Sundvor, I., Johansson, C., Pirjola, L., Ketzel, M., Norman, M., Kupiainen, K., Gustafsson, M., Blomqvist, G., Kauhaniemi, M., and Omstedt, G.: A coupled road dust and surface moisture model to predict non-exhaust road traffic induced particle emissions (NORTRIP). Part 2: Surface moisture and salt impact modelling, Atmos. Environ., 81, 485–503,, 2013a. a
Denby, B., Sundvor, I., Johansson, C., Pirjola, L., Ketzel, M., Norman, M., Kupiainen, K., Gustafsson, M., Blomqvist, G., and Omstedt, G.: A coupled road dust and surface moisture model to predict non-exhaust road traffic induced particle emissions (NORTRIP). Part 1: Road dust loading and suspension modelling, Atmos. Environ., 77, 283–300,, 2013b. a
Short summary
Our study has achieved air quality modelling down to 100 m for all of Europe. This solves the current problem that street-level air quality modelling is usually limited to individual cities. With publicly available downscaling proxy data, even regions without their own high-resolution proxy data can obtain air quality maps at 100 m. The work is of significance for air quality mitigation strategies and human health exposure studies.