Model description paper
09 Jun 2022
Model description paper |

09 Jun 2022
Ocean biogeochemistry in the Canadian Earth System Model version 5.0.3: CanESM5 and CanESM5-CanOE
James R. Christian, Kenneth L. Denman, Hakase Hayashida, Amber M. Holdsworth, Warren G. Lee, Olivier G. J. Riche, Andrew E. Shao, Nadja Steiner, and Neil C. Swart
Model code and software
The Canadian Earth System Model (CanESM) - v5.0.3
Neil C. Swart, Jason Cole, Slava Kharin, Mike Lazare, John Scinocca, Nathan Gillett, James Anstey, Vivek Arora, James Christian, Sarah Hanna, Yanjun Jiao, Warren Lee, Fouad Majaess, Oleg Saenko, Christian Seiler, Clint Seinen, Andrew Shao, Larry Solheim, Knut von Salzen, Duo Yang, and Barbara Winter