Development and technical paper
12 May 2022
Development and technical paper |

12 May 2022
Lossy checkpoint compression in full waveform inversion: a case study with ZFPv0.5.5 and the overthrust model
Navjot Kukreja, Jan Hückelheim, Mathias Louboutin, John Washbourne, Paul H. J. Kelly, and Gerard J. Gorman
Model code and software
navjotk/error\_propagation: v0.1
Navjot Kukreja
navjotk/pyzfp: Dummy release to force Zenodo archive
Navjot Kukreja, Tim Greaves, Gerard Gorman, and David Wade
devitocodes/devito: v4.2.3
Fabio Luporini, Mathias Louboutin, Michael Lange, Navjot Kukreja, rhodrin, George Bisbas, Vincenzo Pandolfo, Lucas Cavalcante, tjb900, Gerard Gorman, VItor Mickus, Maelso Bruno, Paulius Kazakas, Chris Dinneen, Oscar Mojica, Gabriel Sebastian von Conta, Tim Greaves, SSHz, EdCaunt, and vkrGitHub