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the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
The EC-Earth3 Earth system model for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project 6
Mario Acosta
Andrea Alessandri
Peter Anthoni
Thomas Arsouze
Tommi Bergman
Raffaele Bernardello
Souhail Boussetta
Louis-Philippe Caron
Glenn Carver
Miguel Castrillo
Franco Catalano
Ivana Cvijanovic
Paolo Davini
Evelien Dekker
Francisco J. Doblas-Reyes
David Docquier
Pablo Echevarria
Uwe Fladrich
Ramon Fuentes-Franco
Matthias Gröger
Jost v. Hardenberg
Jenny Hieronymus
M. Pasha Karami
Jukka-Pekka Keskinen
Torben Koenigk
Risto Makkonen
François Massonnet
Martin Ménégoz
Paul A. Miller
Eduardo Moreno-Chamarro
Lars Nieradzik
Twan van Noije
Paul Nolan
Declan O'Donnell
Pirkka Ollinaho
Gijs van den Oord
Pablo Ortega
Oriol Tintó Prims
Arthur Ramos
Thomas Reerink
Clement Rousset
Yohan Ruprich-Robert
Philippe Le Sager
Torben Schmith
Roland Schrödner
Federico Serva
Valentina Sicardi
Marianne Sloth Madsen
Benjamin Smith
Tian Tian
Etienne Tourigny
Petteri Uotila
Martin Vancoppenolle
Shiyu Wang
David Wårlind
Ulrika Willén
Klaus Wyser
Shuting Yang
Xavier Yepes-Arbós
Qiong Zhang
- Final revised paper (published on 08 Apr 2022)
- Preprint (discussion started on 11 Feb 2021)
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
CC1: 'Comment on gmd-2020-446', Malcolm J. Roberts, 15 Mar 2021
A well-written and useful manuscript. Please see the attached for detailed comments.
- AC1: 'Reply on CC1', Ralf Döscher, 20 Jul 2021
RC1: 'Comment on gmd-2020-446', Neil Swart, 19 Mar 2021
General Comments:
This is a nice paper documenting the new EC-Earth model. It covers a lot of the
material relevant for the community to understand this model. I particularly
appreciated the detailed sections on model tuning, and replication. I think the
paper could be improved by streamlining the introduction and conclusions,
reducing repition and addressing the specific questions raised below regarding
specific details about the modelling system. Once that is done, I support
By line:45 "largely improved physical performance". In the following sections,
various biases are documented, some of which have improved (e.g. winds) and
others which have degraded (e.g. tas). No overall assessment of the model skill
/ improvement is made. This could be useful (also see comment for conclusions).52: Possible citation is: Flato, G.M. (2011), Earth system models: an
overview. WIREs Clim Change, 2: 783-800. Some references would be appropriate.
83-85: These web statistic citations probably need to be more robust given the
journal style guide. Normally the date of the access and url is requried. It is relevant
here as these statistics will change in time. I also note that this refers to a
search, not a url, and Google customizes
web searches to users, so different users will get different
results. Personally, I cannot verify these numbers, and I get completely
different results than reported here when searching cesm "climate model" (7900) and "ec
earth climate model" (234). Or for example "community earth system model"
(11200) or "community earth system model (cesm)" (5140). It's not
clear therefore that this is really a robust metric.87 "development has started in" -> "development started in"
102, 104: dynamical Greenland but not Antarctica? What is it physically
justified including one major icesheet but not the other?119-120: "and it is used in its version 3.3 for CMIP6" -> "and version 3.3 is used for CMIP6"
130: TM5 - > reference?
150-151: Is this initialization and forcing data publicly available? Is there a
reference or a link to it?165-166: Is this conservation assumed or is it verified? If it is verified, how?
A comparison of 3D ocean heat content with TOA fluxes and surface fluxes in a
long piControl can be used to verify to first order.171-175: It would be interesting to know more (or see) what the drainage basins look
like, and what the distribution over coastal points looks like. Is runoff
inserted into a single ocean grid cell at the river mouth? Is it spread more
widely? Inserted at the surface? Does runoff have proporties (nutrient,
temperature) or is it inserted at SST?176-180: So moisture is not conserved within IFS? Why correct runoff to
compensate and not E-P directly? The E-P correction could be distributed with
the tendencies. Also, why is the correction diagnosed over the transient historical period
as opposed to in a balanced piControl? Is there any evidence that this imbalance/
correction is constant in time, or could it vary?What about snowfall into the ocean? Is this being thermodynamically accounted
for (i.e. latent heat to melt snow and bring it to SST)?189-192: Is this duality lead to unphysical behaviour,
e.g. with opposite moisture tendencies in the two components? How does this
affect conservation of moisture?195-205: tuning these parameters almost certainly has a significant influence on
the ECS of the model. Probably worth noting.208: "allowing to constuct" -> "allowing construction of"
265: The resolution of the standard "non-LR" ocean was not noted above as far as
I see, but here ORCA1 is noted for the "LR" version.298: How is 100 years of spinup selected? In my experience, this is not
enough time, and the model is likely still drifting after 100 years. 500 years,
and often 1000+ years is required for the long time scales of the
ocean and deep soils to equilibrate in models of this nature.311 : redundant title repeated twice
320 "has been" -> "had been"
399: "In this case, there is no coupling to the ice sheet model" - this is
confusing, as this whole section is about coupling to the ice sheet model for
PMIP. Perhaps this should say "For other resolutions"?455: incomplete sentence.
483: Some of these version details have been mentioned above. Perhaps only specify them
here to help with length.518-523: This implies that snow albedo over land and sea-ice is computed
differently. One might imagine a kind of non-physical line, where albedo changes
as you move from "land snow" to "sea-ice snow" due to different
parameterizations used in the sub-component models. A comment on the consistency of
snow albedo and other proporties across the land-sea-ice boundary is perhaps
warranted.595-600: a bit of repetition on the orbital parameters.
I do not see any discussion here about how the land mask for the atmopshere is
derived. Is a fractional or binary land mask being used? How does this related
to the land mask in the ocean model? Is there tiling, and how are fluxes from
ocean/land/ice combined?500-700: I do not see any explicit mention of how lakes and other inland water
bodies are handled. This is important for their regional impact, and also how
they are treated with respect to conservation of the global water cycle.773: Is this regular ORCA1 or the eORCA1 configuration?
Box: The protocol for testing replicability:
Why use a single ocean restart with a small perturbation? Basically, larger
state variations in the ocean are being excluded here, but would contribute to
internal variability. 20 year simulations would not be long enough for the
oceans to diverge significantly within the ensemble simulations themselves.Box: It's not clear whether the statistical testing (6) is on the standard
metrics (5) only or also on the raw fields? The raw fields are shown in figure 2. If
the testing were only on the standard metrics, it could lead to false negatives,
because simulations on two platforms could have similar global-level biases with
completely different underlying structure.980-981: That a difference was detected and corrected proves the test can be
useful, but it does not indicate instances when it might have failed to detect a
difference. The test, especially if it is as above, definitely has a significant
chance of failing to detect real differences. e.g. also see Baker, A. H.,
Hammerling, D. M., Levy, M. N., Xu, H., Dennis, J. M., Eaton, B. E., Edwards,
J., Hannay, C., Mickelson, S. A., Neale, R. B., Nychka, D., Shollenberger, J.,
Tribbia, J., Vertenstein, M., and Williamson, D.: A new ensemble-based
consistency test for the Community Earth System Model (pyCECT v1.0),
Geosci. Model Dev., 8, 2829–2840,, 2015.Section 5:
In terms of the CMIP6 protocol, the DECK simulations should be submitted for
each model configuration. Please discuss the status of this, as it seems
piControl runs have only been done for a limited number of configurations.1017-1018: Can you say the response is too high? What about internal
variability?1024-1030: The warm bias in the south is significant, and represents a large
deterioration relative to the previous model version. This seems a bit
inconsistent with the statements made in the abstract. Some discussion of the
source of the new large bias would be appropriate.Conclusions: I don't think it is necessary to summarize the result over every
bias again here. Perhaps replace this with a shorter, more general overview of
conclusions of the validation.Table 1: What about ocean BGC?
Table 2+: timestep in the atmosphere or ocean or both? Presumably not the
same. What about the coupling interval? That is noted in some of the subsequent
tables (7,8) but not all of them (3-5, 10).
Figure 10: Showing both hemispheres on the same seasonal panel makes the changes
very hard to see.Figure 12: Would be clearer in two panels, one for Sep and one for
Mar.Citation: - AC2: 'Reply on RC1', Ralf Döscher, 20 Jul 2021
EC1: 'Comment on gmd-2020-446', Fiona O'Connor, 20 Apr 2021
Dear Ralf and co-authors,
I am adding an editor comment here solely to satisfy the minimum number of reviewer comments required. This is because one reviewer's comments were not registed as being a review. However, for the purpose of responding to the reviews and submitting a revised manuscript, I ask that you consider both sets of comments.
Fiona O'Connor
Citation: -
AC3: 'Reply on EC1', Ralf Döscher, 22 Jul 2021
Dear Fiona,
Many Thanks for considering our manuscript! I now submitted responses to all reviewer comments.
Best Regards
AC3: 'Reply on EC1', Ralf Döscher, 22 Jul 2021
RC2: 'Comment on gmd-2020-446', Fiona O'Connor, 20 Apr 2021
Editor attempting to force this paper onto the next stage by submitting a dummy referee report!
Citation: -
AC4: 'Reply on RC2', Ralf Döscher, 22 Jul 2021
Thanks for moving the manuscript to the next stage.
Best Regards
AC4: 'Reply on RC2', Ralf Döscher, 22 Jul 2021
Peer review completion