Articles | Volume 15, issue 7
Development and technical paper
07 Apr 2022
Development and technical paper |  | 07 Apr 2022

Modeling of streamflow in a 30 km long reach spanning 5 years using OpenFOAM 5.x

Yunxiang Chen, Jie Bao, Yilin Fang, William A. Perkins, Huiying Ren, Xuehang Song, Zhuoran Duan, Zhangshuan Hou, Xiaoliang He, and Timothy D. Scheibe

Data sets

Model, data, and code for paper "Modeling of streamflow in a 30-kilometer-long reach spanning 5 years using OpenFOAM 5.x" Y. Chen, J. Bao, Y. Fang, W. A. Perkings, H. Ren, X. Song, Z. Duan, Z. Hou, X. He, and T. D. Scheibe

Short summary
Climate change affects river discharge variations that alter streamflow. By integrating multi-type survey data with a computational fluid dynamics tool, OpenFOAM, we show a workflow that enables accurate and efficient streamflow modeling at 30 km and 5-year scales. The model accuracy for water stage and depth average velocity is −16–9 cm and 0.71–0.83 in terms of mean error and correlation coefficients. This accuracy indicates the model's reliability for evaluating climate impact on rivers.