Articles | Volume 15, issue 3
Model description paper
16 Feb 2022
Model description paper |  | 16 Feb 2022

An automatic lake-model application using near-real-time data forcing: development of an operational forecast workflow (COASTLINES) for Lake Erie

Shuqi Lin, Leon Boegman, Shiliang Shan, and Ryan Mulligan


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Short summary
An operational hydrodynamics forecast system, COASTLINES, using the Windows Task Scheduler, Python, and MATLAB scripts, to automate application of a 3-D model (AEM3D) in Lake Erie was developed. The system predicted storm-surge and up-/downwelling events that are important for flood water and drinking water/fishery management. This example of the successful development of an operational forecast system can be adapted to simulate aquatic systems as required for management and public safety.