Articles | Volume 15, issue 3
Model description paper
08 Feb 2022
Model description paper |  | 08 Feb 2022

An improved regional coupled modeling system for Arctic sea ice simulation and prediction: a case study for 2018

Chao-Yuan Yang, Jiping Liu, and Dake Chen

Data sets

The prediction data analyzed in the article: "An improved regional coupled modeling system for Arctic sea ice simulation and prediction: a case study for 2018" Chao-Yuan Yang, Jiping Liu, and Dake Chen

Model code and software

he model code of Coupled Arctic Prediction System version 1.0 (CAPS v1.0) for the permanent archive in the article "An improved regional coupled modeling system for Arctic sea ice simulation and prediction: a case study for 2018" Chao-Yuan Yang, Jiping Liu, and Dake Chen

Short summary
We present an improved coupled modeling system for Arctic sea ice prediction. We perform Arctic sea ice prediction experiments with improved/updated physical parameterizations, which show better skill in predicting sea ice state as well as atmospheric and oceanic state in the Arctic compared with its predecessor. The improved model also shows extended predictive skill of Arctic sea ice after the summer season. This provides an added value of this prediction system for decision-making.