Articles | Volume 14, issue 11
Model description paper
18 Nov 2021
Model description paper |  | 18 Nov 2021

Black carbon modeling in urban areas: investigating the influence of resuspension and non-exhaust emissions in streets using the Street-in-Grid model for inert particles (SinG-inert)

Lya Lugon, Jérémy Vigneron, Christophe Debert, Olivier Chrétien, and Karine Sartelet


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Short summary
The multiscale Street-in-Grid model is used to simulate black carbon (BC) concentrations in streets. To respect street-surface mass balance, particle resuspension is estimated with a new approach based on deposited mass. The contribution of resuspension is low, but non-exhaust emissions from tyre wear may largely contribute to BC concentrations. The impact of the two-way dynamic coupling between scales on BC concentrations varies depending on the street geometry and traffic emission intensity.