Articles | Volume 14, issue 10
Methods for assessment of models
27 Oct 2021
Methods for assessment of models |  | 27 Oct 2021

Object-based analysis of simulated thunderstorms in Switzerland: application and validation of automated thunderstorm tracking with simulation data

Timothy H. Raupach, Andrey Martynov, Luca Nisi, Alessandro Hering, Yannick Barton, and Olivia Martius

Data sets

Thunderstorm tracks and hail properties derived from WRF simulation data for May 2018 over Switzerland Timothy H. Raupach, Andrey Martinov, and Olivia Martius

WRF model fields for TITAN tracking of simulated storms, Thompson microphysics scheme Andrey Martinov, Timothy H. Raupach, and Olivia Martius

WRF model fields for TITAN tracking of simulated storms, Morrison microphysics scheme Andrey Martinov, Timothy H. Raupach, and Olivia Martius

WRF model fields for TITAN tracking of simulated storms, P3 microphysics scheme Andrey Martinov, Timothy H. Raupach, and Olivia Martius

Model code and software

traupach/stormtrack: Initial release (Code and parameters for tracking thunderstorms in WRF output and evaluating results) Timothy H. Raupach, Andrey Martinov, and Olivia Martius

traupach/modified_LROSE_utils: Initial release (modified code for utilities from LROSE, the LIDAR Radar Open Source Environment) Timothy H. Raupach, Andrey Martinov, and Olivia Martius

R Markdown for manuscript describing TITAN storm tracking of simulated thunderstorms Timothy H. Raupach, Andrey Martynov, Luca Nisi, Alessandro Hering, Yannick Barton, and Olivia Martius

Short summary
When simulated thunderstorms are compared to observations or other simulations, a match between overall storm properties is often more important than exact matches to individual storms. We tested a comparison method that uses a thunderstorm tracking algorithm to characterise simulated storms. For May 2018 in Switzerland, the method produced reasonable matches to independent observations for most storm properties, showing its feasibility for summarising simulated storms over mountainous terrain.