Articles | Volume 14, issue 10
Model description paper
18 Oct 2021
Model description paper |  | 18 Oct 2021

WETMETH 1.0: a new wetland methane model for implementation in Earth system models

Claude-Michel Nzotungicimpaye, Kirsten Zickfeld, Andrew H. MacDougall, Joe R. Melton, Claire C. Treat, Michael Eby, and Lance F. W. Lesack

Data sets

WETMETH: A new wetland methane model for implementation in Earth system models C. Nzotungicimpaye

Model code and software

The first version of WETMETH, a model for wetland methane emissions (WETMETH 1.0) C.-M. Nzotungicimpaye and K. Zickfeld

Short summary
In this paper, we describe a new wetland methane model (WETMETH) developed for use in Earth system models. WETMETH consists of simple formulations to represent methane production and oxidation in wetlands. We also present an evaluation of the model performance as embedded in the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model (UVic ESCM). WETMETH is capable of reproducing mean annual methane emissions consistent with present-day estimates from the regional to the global scale.