Articles | Volume 14, issue 10
Model description paper
15 Oct 2021
Model description paper |  | 15 Oct 2021

S2P3-R v2.0: computationally efficient modelling of shelf seas on regional to global scales

Paul R. Halloran, Jennifer K. McWhorter, Beatriz Arellano Nava, Robert Marsh, and William Skirving

Data sets

S2P3Rv2.0 bias data Paul R. Halloran

Model code and software

PaulHalloran/S2P3Rv2.0: S2P3-R v2.0: computationally efficient modelling of shelf seas on regional to global scales SUBMISSION (v1.0.1) Paul R. Halloran

Short summary
This paper describes the latest version of a simple model for simulating coastal oceanography in response to changes in weather and climate. The latest revision of this model makes scientific improvements but focuses on improvements that allow the model to be run simply at large scales and for long periods of time to explore the implications of (for example) future climate change along large areas of coastline.