Articles | Volume 14, issue 10
Model experiment description paper
11 Oct 2021
Model experiment description paper |  | 11 Oct 2021

The Lagrangian-based Floating Macroalgal Growth and Drift Model (FMGDM v1.0): application to the Yellow Sea green tide

Fucang Zhou, Jianzhong Ge, Dongyan Liu, Pingxing Ding, Changsheng Chen, and Xiaodao Wei

Data sets

The ECS-FVCOM results and also the input variables of FMGDM, the initial particles, satellite pictures, and trajectories data [Data set] Jianzhong Ge and Fucang Zhou

Model code and software

Example for FMGDM_v1.0, application in the greet tides of the Yellow Sea, China Jianzhong Ge and Fucang Zhou

Source code of Floating Macroalgal Growth and Drift Model (FMGDM_v1.0) Jianzhong Ge and Fucang Zhou

Video supplement

green tide Fucang Zhou and Jianzhong Ge

Short summary
In this study, a physical–ecological model, the Floating Macroalgal Growth and Drift Model (FMGDM), was developed to determine the dynamic growth and drifting pattern of floating macroalgae. Based on Lagrangian tracking, the macroalgae bloom is jointly controlled by ocean flows, sea surface wind, temperature, irradiation, and nutrients. The FMGDM was robust in successfully reproducing the spatial and temporal dynamics of the massive green tide around the Yellow Sea.