Articles | Volume 14, issue 9
Model description paper
14 Sep 2021
Model description paper |  | 14 Sep 2021

Development of a coupled simulation framework representing the lake and river continuum of mass and energy (TCHOIR v1.0)

Daisuke Tokuda, Hyungjun Kim, Dai Yamazaki, and Taikan Oki

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Short summary
We developed TCHOIR, a hydrologic simulation framework, to solve fluvial- and thermodynamics of the river–lake continuum. This provides an algorithm for upscaling high-resolution topography as well, which enables the representation of those interactions at the global scale. Validation against in situ and satellite observations shows that the coupled mode outperforms river- or lake-only modes. TCHOIR will contribute to elucidating the role of surface hydrology in Earth’s energy and water cycle.