I very much appreciate the development and implantation of a new individual tree model that is physiology based and can be applied over periods that allow to judge the development of species mixtures under changing environmental conditions. I feel however that considerable improvements in the model description, presentation and discussion could still be achieved.
Model description
The model description in general would also benefit from a better explanation about which processes are run in which time steps. While photosynthesis is calculated hourly, time steps for allocation are not explicitly addressed. They may be done annually, similarly to dimensional calculations. If this is true (I couldn’t find any statement about it), it raises some yet unexplained questions: Where is the foliage compartment outside the vegetation period and how does it respire? Is the biomass at the end of the year abruptly changing or are empirical functions used to distribute the growth over the year? Shouldn’t the fact that biomass is actually changing during the year be reflected in the maintenance respiration calculations? If, however, allocation is done hourly or daily, how is the first leaf flushing justified in deciduous trees when there is not yet any photosynthesis? In particular since there seems to be no reserve compartment. The best model description is in the caption of figure 1 but I think this (and more) information needs to be in the text too.
I also noticed that in many equations, parameters are given as alpha, beta, gamma and delta letters without further indication - which is a bit strange and sincerely against common rules since this kind of notation is not specific. In my opinion, also empirical parameters (including a, b, c…) should be unmistakably identifiable and should also be given and explained (including sources) in a table somewhere.
Model demonstration and discussion
I appreciate that examples for demonstrating the model’s performance are based on a number of stands that differ somewhat in their structure. I was a bit disappointed though that only different model approaches (such as different photosynthesis schemes) have been compared and no parameter sensitivity has been done. I admit, however, that this might be a very comprehensive demand and should possibly be restricted to completely new model formulations. On the other hand, the tests are still limited to two tree species and more or less only one climate area. If no other sites will be incorporated (which would be good but which is something I don’t really expect), the issue should be carefully acknowledged as a limited demonstration of model performance.
In addition, existing literature should be better considered for the following topics: 1) the linear relationship between NPP and GPP has been recently discussed by Collalti et al. 2019; 2) the allometry depends on competition issues that need to be treated based on individual tree situations, which is a likely explanation for the relatively bad performance of increment calculations (see e.g. del Rio et al. 2019), 3) an hierarchical allocation approach that distributes carbon into different compartments has certain disadvantages, so that source-sink approaches or other approaches needs to be at least discussed as possible alternatives (e.g. Carl et al. 2018, Thurm et al. 2017). These points are particularly important in in a single-tree model than in a stand model.
Besides the evaluations which are basically based on growth measurements that are very integrated outcomes from many underlying processes, I would like to see some curves of how different compartments of different trees or groups of trees are developing over time in dependence on climatic input. Do we see any climate or management impact here? Are different groups have different strategies or are developing differently? Is this development reasonably at all? Please elaborate.
There are a couple of other more specific things that caught my eye and may be corrected or answered:
P3L13: Another argument why forestry trials are not suitable to derive estimates for future conditions are that these future conditions, i.e. CO2 concentrations, simply cannot be observed in the present.
P4L13ff: The BALANCE model is described here as having no soil layers and is missing basic soil processes. This is wrong, as can be easily derived from Figs. 3 and 6 in Grote and Pretzsch 2002. I admit that neither weathering nor nutrients other than nitrogen are included but still the model hosts a full carbon and nitrogen cycle and calculations in different soil layers, considering different nutrient availability with rooting depth. Please correct.
P6L14: Does the model run when ‘no meteorological measurements’ (resp. scenario data) are provided as input? How can this work out reasonably?
P7L12ff (also in Fig.1, and P9): GPP is either derived by a radiation efficiency approach or with the Farquhar model? This is irritating. There should be a rule when the one or other method is applied. Has this something to do with the age/size or position of the tree similar to the differentiation of respiration?
P7L19: The expression ‘compartment’ or ‘tree compartment’ is used here and in other places but never defined. In P6L32 it is used for bark and foliage, P8L1 it is soil solution, at P12 it describes foliage and fine roots, and at P26 we learn that ‘structural compartments’ exist besides foliage and roots. The same holds for the expression ‘organ’ which is partly used as a synonym to ‘compartment’. Figure 1 caption tells us about ‘structural organs’ that are ‘roots, trunk, and branches’ and also later ‘organ’ development is described with equations throughout P11 to P13 without telling the reader what is actually meant.
P9L7 (and figure 1): Fruits are very interesting but seldomly considered as a separate and dynamic tree compartment that is explicitly modelled. From Fig. 1 and the description in P13 it seems that it is considered but how data on this compartment can actually be used to modify allocation pattern, needs to be described further (taking the carbon from all other compartments equally or selectively?).
P9L10: This indicates that photosynthesis is driven with daily meteorological data which for the Farquhar approach only makes sense if data are downscaled to hourly (or similar) time steps (also indicated in P10L18). Why is this not possible for the hydrological model then which explicitly requires hourly input?
P10L14: Possible relationships between Farquhar photosynthesis and soil water restrictions have been implemented before (see e.g. Granier, Knauer, van Wijk, Wang in references). I guess, that also the new implementation will be based on one of them which could be indicated here. Otherwise, I fear that a short description of how this is done is indispensable for understanding the carbon assimilation dynamics.
P11L4ff: I am a bit puzzled about these explanations. Why is it bad that ‘the crown to stem diameter ratio changes during the course of the tree development’ so that the npp/gpp ratio also changes. Isn’t this exactly what you want? And why is this index better although a relation of npp/gpp to this index has not been demonstrated?
P11L16ff: Maintenance respiration is taken from photosynthesis (according to equation 7), but its calculation is independent of carbon gain. So, the net gain might get negative. What’s happening then? Is there any reserve compartment?
P13L15/Eq.22: How is this parameterized and even how is the function itself derived? My question arises from the fact that fructification is highly variable and relates to specific climate conditions such as temperature in spring. Also, the parameter given in the appendix seems to be a variable based on this equation.
P13L30ff/Eq.26-28: How could height and diameter growth be derived from the total above structural carbon gain if diameter and height growth only depend on stem (trunk) development? I would expect that the dimensional growth depends on db_stem rather than db_structural. Given that the derivation of height and diameter increment is correct, has anybody checked if the biomass increase is actually supporting the dimensional change? Or does it imply a wood density change?
P14L30: Hounzandji et al. 2015 distinguish branches/twigs but not roots into three fractions of different diameter classes. The assumption that roots could be described with the same equations (and parameters?) without any additional data seems very bold to me. As it is, the description gives a false impression of what has been derived from literature. Furthermore, if a root fraction of 0-4 cm is assumed, it would include fine roots, which are, however, separately treated in the model. The differentiation is therefore inconsistent.
P17L17ff: The reconstruction is a nice feature but depends on the knowledge about how many trees have died and when they died during the investigated period. Otherwise, npp is underestimated since it only refers to the remaining trees. Could you acknowledge this in the paragraph?
Carl, C., Biber, P., Veste, M., Landgraf, D. and Pretzsch, H. (2018). Key drivers of competition and growth partitioning among Robinia pseudoacacia L. trees. Forest Ecol. Manage. 430, 86-93.
Collalti, A. and Prentice, I. C. (2019). Is NPP proportional to GPP? Waring’s hypothesis 20 years on. Tree Physiol. 39, 1473-1483.
del Río, M., Bravo-Oviedo, A., Ruiz-Peinado, R. and Condés, S. (2019). Tree allometry variation in response to intra- and inter-specific competitions. Trees 33, 121-138.
Granier, A., Loustau, D. and Bréda, N. (2000). A generic model of forest canopy conductance dependent on climate, soil water availability and leaf area index. Annales des Sciences Forestieres 57, 755-765.
Knauer, J., Werner, C. and Zaehle, S. (2015). Evaluating stomatal models and their atmospheric drought response in a land surface scheme: A multibiome analysis. J. Geophys. Res. - Biogeosci. 120, 1894–1911
Thurm, E. A., Biber, P. and Pretzsch, H. (2017). Stem growth is favored at expenses of root growth in mixed stands and humid conditions for Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica). Trees-Struct. Funct. 31, 349-365.
Van Wijk, M. T., Dekker, S. C., Bouten, W., Bosveld, F. C., Kohsiek, W., Kramer, K., et al. (2000). Modeling daily gas exchange of a Douglas-fir forest: comparison of three stomatal conductance models with and without a soil water stress function. Tree Physiol. 20, 115-122.
Wang, Y.-P. and Leuning, R. (1998). A two-leaf model for canopy conductance, photosynthesis and partitioning of available energy I: Model description and comparison with a multi-layered model. Agric. Forest Meteorol. 91, 89-111. |