Articles | Volume 13, issue 9
Development and technical paper
16 Sep 2020
Development and technical paper |  | 16 Sep 2020

Efficient ensemble data assimilation for coupled models with the Parallel Data Assimilation Framework: example of AWI-CM (AWI-CM-PDAF 1.0)

Lars Nerger, Qi Tang, and Longjiang Mu

Data sets

Efficient ensemble data assim- ilation for coupled models with the Parallel Data Assimilation 110 Framework: Example of AWI-CM – output files and plot scripts Lars Nerger, Qi Tang, and Longjiang Mu

Model code and software

The PDAF model binding for AWI-CM (AWI-CM-PDAF version 1.0) Lars Nerger, Qi Tang, and Longjiang Mu

Short summary
Data assimilation combines observations with numerical models to get an improved estimate of the model state. This work discusses the technical aspects of how a coupled model that simulates the ocean and the atmosphere can be augmented by data assimilation functionality provided in generic form by the open-source software PDAF (Parallel Data Assimilation Framework). A very efficient program is obtained that can be executed on high-performance computers.