Articles | Volume 12, issue 7
Development and technical paper
12 Jul 2019
Development and technical paper |  | 12 Jul 2019

Estimating surface carbon fluxes based on a local ensemble transform Kalman filter with a short assimilation window and a long observation window: an observing system simulation experiment test in GEOS-Chem 10.1

Yun Liu, Eugenia Kalnay, Ning Zeng, Ghassem Asrar, Zhaohui Chen, and Binghao Jia

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Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss.,,, 2023
Revised manuscript not accepted
Short summary
Improving the joint estimation of CO2 and surface carbon fluxes using a constrained ensemble Kalman filter in COLA (v1.0)
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Geosci. Model Dev., 15, 5511–5528,,, 2022
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Estimating Surface Carbon Fluxes Based on a Local Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter with a Short Assimilation Window and a Long Observation Window
Yun Liu, Eugenia Kalnay, Ning Zeng, Ghassem Asrar, Zhaohui Chen, and Binghao Jia
Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.,,, 2017
Preprint withdrawn
Short summary

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Cited articles

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Short summary
We developed a new carbon data assimilation system to estimate the surface carbon fluxes using the LETKF and GEOS-Chem model, which uses a new scheme with a short assimilation window and a long observation window. The analysis is more accurate using the short assimilation window and is exposed to the future observations that accelerate the spin-up. In OSSE, the system reduces the analysis error significantly, suggesting that this method could be used for other data assimilation problems.