Articles | Volume 12, issue 5
Development and technical paper
06 May 2019
Development and technical paper |  | 06 May 2019

Towards end-to-end (E2E) modelling in a consistent NPZD-F modelling framework (ECOSMO E2E_v1.0): application to the North Sea and Baltic Sea

Ute Daewel, Corinna Schrum, and Jed I. Macdonald

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Compound flood events: analysing the joint occurrence of extreme river discharge events and storm surges in northern and central Europe
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The 3D biogeochemical marine mercury cycling model MERCY v2.0 – linking atmospheric Hg to methylmercury in fish
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Rapid environmental responses to climate-induced hydrographic changes in the Baltic Sea entrance
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Cited articles

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Barthel, K., Daewel, U., Pushpadas, D., Schrum, C., Årthun, M., and Wehde, H.: Resolving frontal structures: On the computational costs and pay-off using a less diffusive but computational more expensive advection scheme, Ocean Dynam., 62, 1457–1470,, 2012. 
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Short summary
Here we propose a novel modelling approach that includes an extended food web in a functional-group-type marine ecosystem model (ECOSMO E2E) by formulating new groups for macrobenthos and fish. This enables the estimation of the dynamics of the higher-trophic-level production potential and constitutes a more consistent closure term for the lower-trophic-level ecosystem. Thus, the model allows for the study of the control mechanisms for marine ecosystems at a high spatial and temporal resolution.