Articles | Volume 11, issue 2
Model description paper
08 Feb 2018
Model description paper |  | 08 Feb 2018

BEATBOX v1.0: Background Error Analysis Testbed with Box Models

Christoph Knote, Jérôme Barré, and Max Eckl

Model code and software

BEATBOX v1.0: Background Error Analysis Testbed with Box Models (Version 1.0.0) C. Knote, J. Barré and M. Eckl

Short summary
The Background Error Analysis Testbed with Box Models (BEATBOX) is a toy model to investigate the effects of data assimilation on systems like tropospheric photochemistry in a box model fashion. We present the model system and show its application in a case study using data from a recent field campaign and employing commonly used tropospheric chemistry mechanisms.