Articles | Volume 11, issue 12
Development and technical paper
29 Nov 2018
Development and technical paper |  | 29 Nov 2018

The use of radiocarbon 14C to constrain carbon dynamics in the soil module of the land surface model ORCHIDEE (SVN r5165)

Marwa Tifafi, Marta Camino-Serrano, Christine Hatté, Hector Morras, Lucas Moretti, Sebastián Barbaro, Sophie Cornu, and Bertrand Guenet


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Short summary
The role of soil carbon in climate dynamics becomes one of the major uncertainties in land surface models. This work is a presentation of a new version of the land surface model called ORCHIDEE incorporating the radiocarbon (14C) used as integrator of the soil carbon dynamics. It has been possible to highlight an underestimation of the age of carbon in the soil and that model improvements should focus more on a depth-dependent parameterization mainly for the diffusion.