Articles | Volume 11, issue 11
Model evaluation paper
13 Nov 2018
Model evaluation paper |  | 13 Nov 2018

Evaluation of Monte Carlo tools for high-energy atmospheric physics II: relativistic runaway electron avalanches

David Sarria, Casper Rutjes, Gabriel Diniz, Alejandro Luque, Kevin M. A. Ihaddadene, Joseph R. Dwyer, Nikolai Østgaard, Alexander B. Skeltved, Ivan S. Ferreira, and Ute Ebert


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Discussed (final revised paper)

Latest update: 14 Dec 2024
Short summary
We evaluate three models (Geant4, REAM, GRRR) used in the field of high-energy atmospheric physics that are able to simulate relativistic runaway electron avalanches. Several models have been used by the community, but there was, up until now, no study evaluating their consistency in this context. We conclude that there are no major differences to report, and we discuss minor ones. We also provide advice on how to properly set up the general purpose code (Geant4) in this context.