Articles | Volume 10, issue 4
Model description paper
05 Apr 2017
Model description paper |  | 05 Apr 2017

Development of BFMCOUPLER (v1.0), the coupling scheme that links the MITgcm and BFM models for ocean biogeochemistry simulations

Gianpiero Cossarini, Stefano Querin, Cosimo Solidoro, Gianmaria Sannino, Paolo Lazzari, Valeria Di Biagio, and Giorgio Bolzon


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Short summary
The BFMCOUPLER (v1.0) is a coupling scheme that links the MITgcm and BFM models for ocean biogeochemistry simulations. The online coupling is based on an open-source code characterizd by a modular structure. Modularity preserves the potentials of the two models, allowing for a sustainable programming effort to handle future evolutions in the two codes. The BFMCOUPLER code is released along with an idealized problem (a cyclonic gyre in a mid-latitude closed basin).