Submitted as: model evaluation paper
29 Oct 2020
Submitted as: model evaluation paper |  | 29 Oct 2020
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal GMD but the revision was not accepted.

The Effects of Ocean Surface Waves on Global Forecast in CFS Modeling System v2.0

Ruizi Shi, Fanghua Xu, Li Liu, Zheng Fan, Hao Yu, Xiang Li, and Yunfei Zhang

Abstract. It has been well known that ocean surface gravity waves have enormous effects on physical processes at the atmosphere–ocean interface. However, the effects of surface waves on global forecast in several days are less studied. To investigate this, we incorporated the WAVEWATCH III model into the Climate Forecast System Model version 2.0 (CFS2.0), with the Chinese Community Coupler version 2.0 (C-Coupler2). Two major wave-related processes, the Langmuir mixing and the sea surface momentum roughness, were considered. Extensive comparisons were performed against in-situ buoys, satellite measurements and reanalysis data, to evaluate the influence of the two processes on the forecast of sea surface temperature, mixed layer depth, significant wave height, and 10-m wind speed. A series of 7-day simulations demonstrate that the newly developed atmosphere-ocean-wave coupling system could improve the CFS global forecast. The Langmuir mixing parameterization could increase the vertical movement of water and effectively reduce the warm bias of sea surface temperature and shallow bias of mixed layer depth in the Antarctic circumpolar current in austral summer, whereas the significant wave height and 10-m wind speed are insensitive to it. On the other hand, the modified momentum roughness length could significantly reduce the overestimated 10-m wind speed and significant wave height in mid-high latitudes. This is because the enhanced frictional dissipation at high wind speed could reduce 10-m wind speed and consequently decrease the significant wave height. But its effect on the temperature structure in upper ocean is less obvious.

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Ruizi Shi, Fanghua Xu, Li Liu, Zheng Fan, Hao Yu, Xiang Li, and Yunfei Zhang
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
Printer-friendly Version - Printer-friendly version Supplement - Supplement
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
Printer-friendly Version - Printer-friendly version Supplement - Supplement
Ruizi Shi, Fanghua Xu, Li Liu, Zheng Fan, Hao Yu, Xiang Li, and Yunfei Zhang
Ruizi Shi, Fanghua Xu, Li Liu, Zheng Fan, Hao Yu, Xiang Li, and Yunfei Zhang


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Short summary
To better understand the effects of surface waves, we developed a coupled global atmosphere-ocean-wave system. Processes of Langmuir circulations and sea surface momentum roughness were considered. Results from a series of 7-day forecasts show the Langmuir circulations can reduce the biases of warm sea surface temperature and shallow mixed layer in the Antarctic circumpolar current during austral summer. Whereas surface roughness enables improvements to overestimated 10-m wind and wave height.